
"La moitié des prises étaient des sacs en plastique", le Libéria arrête un chalutier dans une zone réservée aux pêcheurs locaux

mardi, 19 Avr, 2022

Opération Sola Stella

Arrest of poaching vessel shows shark liver oil production could drive species to extinction

mardi, 19 Déc, 2017

Opération Sola Stella

Sea Shepherd assists Liberian Coast Guard in arrest of notorious internationally-blacklisted vessel for illegal fishing

jeudi, 23 Nov, 2017

Opération Sola Stella

Large Fishing Trawler Arrested in Covert Operation by Sea Shepherd Global and the Liberian Authorities

jeudi, 09 Nov, 2017

Opération Sola Stella

Sea Shepherd Calls on US to Investigate Sustainability Claims of Shrimping Fleet

mardi, 30 Mai, 2017

Opération Sola Stella

Operation Sola Stella concludes a successful campaign to combat illegal fishing in Liberia

jeudi, 18 Mai, 2017

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