
Gabon Minister Suspends Shrimp Fishery and Expels Purse Seiner that Tormented Two Humpback Whales

Mercoledì, 22 Set, 2021

Operazione Albacore

Our return to Gabon to help combat illegal fishing in Africa’s largest marine protected area

Mercoledì, 05 Lug, 2017

Operazione Albacore

Two Illegal Congolese Fishing Pirogues Arrested in Gabon's Territorial Waters

Lunedì, 12 Set, 2016

Operazione Albacore

Operation Albacore Results in Detention of Spanish Long-liner in São Tomé

Martedì, 09 Ago, 2016

Operazione Albacore

Distressing Footage of the Devastating Impacts of By-Catch.

Giovedì, 30 Giu, 2016

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